Thursday, May 3, 2007

Graduation day!!

It is finally time to graduate!! You are al decked out in your slightly uncomfortable graduation gown, and you are ready to walk down the aisle and recieve your diploma. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You ben down and tie your shoes and make sure that they will not slip off while you are infront of everyone. You look slowly to your left, and then to your right, and you have a sudden realization that you may not see many of these people ever again. You sigh deeply, quite sad at the thought. But the moment quickly passes and you are once again excited. you hop up and down, barely able to hold all of the joy in. Your name is called! "Oh no" you wisper, and carefully walk to the podium to recieve your diploma. To your relief you do not trip. You are so exited, you call "Hooray!" in front of everyone, and you laugh quite loudly. As the ceremony comes to an end, you begin to hug the friends around you. As you are leaving, you lift your head and hands to heaven and say, "Thank you God for all that You have done!" It is indeed a bitter-sweet thing to be done with school.

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