Monday, January 22, 2007

Quiz Chapter One

Group Vocal Technique
Quiz One – Introduction
January 22, 2007

1. What occurred in choral singing as a result of the French Revolution? A. Choral singing became aristocratic B. Choral singing became democratic C. Choral singing became Socratic D. Choral singing, because of the guillotine, lost its head voice. [3]

2. [T or F] The same exercises learned in the private voice lesson should be used in the choir rehearsal. [3]

3. [T or F] At birth, we are provided with a healthy voice. [4]

4. Why do we lose the ability to sing in a free and open head voice? A. The Adamic curse B. Unhealthy vocal models on radio and television C. Rock music kills plants and head voice D. Not singing hymns in four parts during the corporate worship service disallows for the development of a beautiful head voice. [4]

5. Every choir rehearsal should begin with a short period of warm-ups. [6]

6. How long should these warm-ups last? A. 3 to 5 minutes B. 5 to 7 minutes C. 10 to 12 minutes with a 5 minute massage at the end D. Every warm-up will vary as to its length. [6]

7. [T or F] Teaching keyboard or other instruments is more difficult [in the opinion of your text] than teaching voice. [4]

8-10. The singing of a musical phrase is a creative and vital process that involves: A. support, pure vowels, and placement B. worship, Spirit, and truth C. body, mind, emotion D. desire, hard work, and talent. [8]

11. [T or F] The word amateur refers to the musical capabilities of choral singers. [8]

12-15. Did you read chapter one in its entirety for today?

Bonus: Who wrote the text for the hymn “How Sweet and Awesome is the Place”? A. Matt Redman B. Doc Harris C. Isaac Watts D. John Newton

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