Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Quiz Four Scores

AM19 - 13/15
daddyzlittleangel - 16/15
dreams - 14/15
Flossy - 14/15
Jillian - 16/15
maviecestmusique - 16/15
patato splat - 16/15
shoedeedoodoo - 15/15
Thedairyqueen - 13/15

Sarah, very good work! You clearly stayed with your vignette keeping us focused on exhalation. Nice use of speaking head voice. We enjoy your presence. We feel welcomed!

Things to consider:

1. Think about the way you walk to the place from where you will conduct. What is your body telling everyone?
2. Stay planted. The fidgets [liturgical or otherwise] make the choral singer uncertain.
3. Eye contact with your students is vital from the very beginning of the rehearsal. [a welcoming smile is wonderful].
4. Even though you are establish eye contact with your students, throw your speaking voice [head voice] beyond the students.
5. I liked your observation that you might have given the students more opportunity to inhale before asking them to exhale using the life exercise. Remember what we said about how time moves in front of a group of singers. 15 seconds seems like an eternity. Allow space [as the singers move around the room is space, the back massage is space]; however know what dead space is so that talking will not intrude into your rehearsal. This is a delicate dance to step between the two.

Probably the biggest idea from today that I need to consider is: "The conductor should continually create new vignnettes for each relaxation exercise." So the question is this: Are you developing an awareness of the rhythm of life around you? Are you observing movement through life activity that will help you teach "beautiful singing" to your students.

Good class today! There was a lot of energy and interaction happening. I'm praying for each of you by name as I record your grades on the blog.

Romans 3:21-26

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