Monday, February 5, 2007

Quiz Five Scores

AM19 - 14/13
daddyzlittleangel - 10/13
dreams - 14/13
Flossy - 11/13
Jillian - 14/13
maviecestmusique - 10/13
potato splat - 14/13
shoedeedoodoo - 11/13
Thedairyqueen - 10/13

I thought we had a fine time this afternoon. There are two big ideas that dominated the atmosphere of the class. "Abiding" in these ideas will be our goal.

1. The head voice call. Jillian did a great job in her life activity exercise of using snatches of dialogue that we could all call back in the head voice. "Oh no! My tire is flat! Oh Well, I guess I'll go back to sleep!" Remember that head voice is high palate. It's up space created with the palate, not back and down space created with the tongue.

Remember that when you are calling, "the blinds can't be down." I opened the blinds so that we could see the mountain and call to that far away distance. If there's not a window, create one in the singer's imagination so that they can call somewhere. ["Hallelujah" and "Hosianna"] Don't forget the head voice call.

2. Diaphragm pushes in the upper voice. We'll work more on this later; however suffice it to say that bel canto singing is impossible without flexible pushes. Singing in the upper voice is impossible without this connection. Breath pressurization is impossible without it.

I love you. I am praying for you. Jillian, the energy and life you brought to your exercise was wonderful. We were with you. You stayed with your vignette. As was mentioned your exercise had a good shape. You took us from sleep to sleep. Now if I have a flat tire, I'll have a new attitude. I'll know that I can crawl back into my bed and sleep. I'm not sure what to tell you about the neck stretches you did:

1. Stay within the vignette and demonstrate
2. Jump out of the vignette for a moment and describe what you want them to
3. Find a body movement that correpsonds with the life activity you are describing.

I think 3 is the best if you can do it.


"None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God." Romans 3:11

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