Monday, February 12, 2007

Quiz Six Scores

AM19 - Absent
daddyzlittleangel - 11/11
dreams - 11/11
Flossy - 9/11
Jillian - 9/11
maviecestmusique - 11/11
patatosplat - 12/11
shoedeedoodoo - 11/11
Thedairyqueen - 11/11

Yes, be careful with those non-voiced consonant exercises. Warning: Unfortunate combinations can occur.

The big idea of today's class was: The support sensation consists of flexible diaphragmatic pushes. There were 19 life-activity exercises to teach you the flexible diaphragmatic activity; however connecting those pushes with your instrument [without locking your body] is absolute essential.

Wasn't Frauke wonderful? Remember what we observed:

1. Her intensity was large than the room's.
2. Her interaction is generous with the choir.
3. Her flexibility [changing the grab the coffee - towel fell off - put on your pants and shirt - go back and get your coffee] and spontaneity were enjoyable.

Remember, don't lose your choir. Enjoy the laughter that comes from doing the life-activity exercises; however when the laughter peaks, top it with more intensity. The dance of work and play, play and work - This dance is hard to learn.

Abigail, good work! Good head voice with creative contextualization at BBC. The refreshing water and luscious smelling rose outside the Underground Cafe saved us from the anxiety of the smelly giant. A couple of things:

1. Intensify your head voice away from us. Remember, your voice has to "effectually" call us to attention.
2. Try, perhaps, walking the 18 steps [was it?] while we are hissing on exhalation.
3. With a longer vignette, keep the life-activities moving, especially the transitions. The seams in the garment ["No seam in His garment / All else rags to hide"] can easily tear.

Great class! I enjoyed it. Melody, we missed you! I hope all is well.

"It's amazing, the Church can sing without PowerPoint! Soli Deo Gloria!"

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