It is Easter morning and you are an excited child because you get to go on an Easter Egg Hunt with your brother and sisters! This has been a long-standing tradition in your family and a competition of who can get the most eggs. You know that the eggs have already been hidden, so you open your window, stick your head out, first to the right, and then to the left, frantically searching for any that may be in plain view that you can get before your brother beats you to it. Unfortunately, your mom is a clever Easter Egg hider, and you do not see any eggs. You sigh and close the window. Just then your mom calls from downstairs, "Time to hunt for eggs!" You run down the stairs, grab your easter basket and stare your brother and 2 sisters down. You slip your shoes on and bend down to tie them because you don't want anything to slow you down. You stretch, reaching high to the sky and then down to your toes, getting ready for the intense race. After everyone is ready, your mom says, "Good Luck!" and gives you the signal to begin. You bolt out the door and run toward the doghouse where you are sure an egg has to be hiding. You squat down once you reach the doghouse to peer inside. "Ah Ha!" you say as you reach in and pull out a blue and pink-striped egg. You put the egg in your basket as you spot another egg in a nearby tree. You skip over to it, stand on your tip-toes, and reach high for the egg, being just tall enough to grab it with your fingers. You put that one in your basket too and continue running around the yard, searching for more precious eggs. After 45 minutes, you can find no more eggs, so you run inside, in fearful anticipation as to how many eggs your siblings found. You are panting as you begin counting their eggs. You have 9 and the most they have is...8! You throw your hands up in the air and exclaim, "Oh Yes! I won!" What a grand victory for you on this year's Easter Egg Hunt!
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