Imagine that you are laying in your bed at 8 o’clock one morning sleeping, when the phone rings. (IMITATE THE PHONE) "Who could that be?" you ask. Your room mate, who is awakened as well, answers the phone and tells you that it is Dr. Kauffman asking for you. You take the phone and say, "Hello?" You hear him respond saying, "Do you know you have a class with me right now?" Bewildered by this realization, you exclaim, "OH NO! I will be right there." You hang up the phone and scurry around the room to get ready. You raise your arms to see if you need to shower. (SNIFF EACH ARMPIT) You decide that you are good for today, and get dressed, putting on a pair of pants, a shirt and shoes. You then look around your room and realize that it is a mess that, if not altered, will result in a point from your RA. In a desperate attempt to order the room, you gather up large quantities of clothing and other various artifacts in your arms and stuff them inside of your closet. You run and get the vacuum cleaner to cleanse your floor of the filth that had long lain beneath your belongings. (IMITATE THE VACUUM CLEANER WITH A "VVVV" SOUND) You decide that it is clean enough, and you grab your things as you bolt out the door and on to class.
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