You wake up from a good night's rest (nice and late in the morning), sit up, stretch, and yawn. You open your window and discover that all the snow has melted. You stick your head out, and feel a warm spring wind. "It's lovely out!" you call. You close your window, jump down from your bunk bed, and slip on your shoes. You decide you will fly a kite today! You open your closet door, lean over and stretch into the back corner of your messy pile, and pull out your kite. You put it under your arm and run outside. Outside, you take a deep breath and smell the new flowers sprouting up. Exhale on a sigh. You trudge up to the top of a hill behind your house. When you finally reach the top, you raise your arms in victory- you have conquered the slope! "Hooray!" You shake out your hands and arms in preparation. You hold the reel on your kite, let out a length of string, and run to get your kite flying. The wind is fairly strong now, and a good blow takes your kite high into the sky- you let out more string and hold
on to the reel as the whind takes your kite faaaar to the right, then faaaaar to the left. Suddenly, an unexpected, strong gust sweeps your kite- and your reel- right out of your hands! Your kite is now stuck in a tree! "Oh no!" You cry. You jog over to the tree and climb up, limb by limb, to find that your kite now has a hole ripped in it. You sit in a limb and shrug. "Oh well!" You say. You untangle your wounded kite and jump down from the tree to make your way back home where brunch is waiting for you. (Mmmm.)

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