Friday, March 9, 2007

Chamber Singers Relaxation Exercise Vignette March 9

Up you come out of the stream, shaking water off your body and grabbing a towel on the clothes line and drying yourself with it. You remember your spouse reminded you to hang the remainder of the laundry on the line. You pick the clothes basket off of the ground and place it on the picnic table directly behind the cabin. You place a large blanket on the clothes line. You smell the clean fragrance of fresh linen and bring the blanket close to your face. Hearing an automobile nearby, you imitate its sound. It’s your spouse. They say, “Honey, I’m back!” You say, “I’m hanging clothes on the line!” You clothespin a pair of pants on the line so they will know that you have been working. As your spouse walks to the back of the cabin, you run to them giving them a hug with an adoring sigh.

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