Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Quiz Ten Scores

Am19 - Absent
daddyzlittleangel - 12/11
dreams - 10/11
Flossy - 7/11
Jillian - 11/11
maviecestmusique - 12/11
patato splat - 11/11
shoedeedoodoo - 9/11
Thedairyqueen - Absent

The big idea: Your singers throats will respond to conductor's hands. Yes, lower conducting when the students are singing higher is very good; however if your hands are tense as a conductor, the choral sound will reflect the tension seen in the hands. Instrumentalists conducting choral, in my opinion, need to be careful of this. I think that is why a baton does not communicate like the hands can for choral singing.


Good imagination. Invite us with your body and voice. Teach by way of sending an invitation for those to participate in something that is beautifully compelling. Notice how Frauke does that as she teaches her groups vocal technique. You guys are doing great work. It's a fun class!

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