Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Chamber Singers Relaxation Exercise Vignette March 13

To cross the stream behind your cabin without getting wet, there is a small suspension bridge made of wood planks with heavy wire side holds for your hands to balance your body. Stepping on to the bridge your body feels the gentle sway of wood and wire. Your feet swing – your hands sway up and down with the wire. You say, “It’s so hot! It would be fun to let go and get wet.” Taking your hands off of the wire you crouch down and flip over into the refreshing stream. As you immerse yourself [a Baptist relaxation vignette], your body feels like a glass of cold, icy southern sweet tea. You turn around in the water, stretch high and sigh! You reach for the bank opposite your cabin. You crawl out of the stream and begin climbing up with your hands and feet verdant green mountain known as Mt. Edwards. You chose the vacation spot, in part, because you love the name. You see movement ahead. You call, “O No!”

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