Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Lesson From Children

Let us pretend that you are a child that has been eagerly anticipating the spring time. You walk outside in your jacket and realize it is much too warm for it. "I do not need this!" You call excitedly, as you remove your jacket stretch! You see a few of your freinds coming out of the house next to yours, and you call to them, "Hello! Would you like to play?" You run to meet him/her, and decide that today, you will be playing cowboys and indians. You are the indian. You make an "Ooooo" sound and tap your hand over your mouth, making the sound and indian would make. As you are "fighting" with your friend the cowboy, you reach behind your back, and grab an imaginary arrow. You put the arrow in your iinvisible bow and pull it back as far as you can. You shoot!! "Oh no!" You say. You missed your friend! Your friend comes toward you with his imaginary gun and you raise your hands in surrender. Stretch to the sky! You are tired of this game, and decide it would be best to go for a swim. You and your friend run to the creek behind your house, and jump in, clothes and all. The water is not very deep, so there is no real danger for you, but it is very cold! You shiver! You decide to have a contest to determine who can blow the most bubbles. You blow as hard and as fast as you can in the water. You take a few deep breaths to calm your body down, and you stretch one more time, saying "I love being outside! The sun feels so good!" You quickly run out of the water and back to your house, where you mother is not very happy that you have gone swimming. She shakes her head back and forth slowly, and then smiles and quickly gets you a towel. You dry yourself off as best as you can, and you give your mother a very big hug.


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