Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12 - Integrating Life Into Your Art!

AM 19 - Present
daddyzlittleangel - Present
dreams - Present
Flossy - Present
Jillian - Absent
maviecestmusique - Present
patato splat - Present
Shoedeedoodoo - Present
Thedairyqueen - Present

OK! So we're all learning from Frauke's little collapsible horse. Strange little toy isn't it? She invites us to sing. Integrating life into her art. The trampoline. the laser beam, the train ch ch ch, the old woman, the shoulder-back solider, the apple with your neck as the stem, the crystal vase you don't want to break. She thoroughly integrates life into her art. That is the big idea from watching her. Integrate life into your art.

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