Thursday, March 15, 2007

Chamber Singers Relaxation Exercise Vignette March 15

Clamoring up the bank opposite the bucolic Blue Ridge mountain cabin you're vacationing in, you notice your white Bichon [now mountain mud brown] Luciano frolicking in the slimy muck on the edge of the stream bank. You reach down for him. He squirms out of your hands. As Luciano runs up the bank, you reach up the bank and grab him. The wily canine scoots away from you racing up the bank again. You call, "Luciano come back" and preceed running up the edge of the mountain for him. You lift your arms up to the air calling, "O No!" You notice that Luciano is running to some climbers above you. You call to them, "Can you catch my canine?" You run to the climbers, take luciano from the twenty-something cool looking couple who grabbed him. You lift up your little brown friend [was he white?] into the air. You exclaim, "You are a bad dog. Come with me!"

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