Monday, March 26, 2007

The Wonderful World of Wetness

It is a warm, wet day, and you walk outside with your hands held high in the air exclaiming, “I love the rain because that means spring is near!” You walk very carefully to dinner, tiptoeing in the streams that are pouring down the sidewalk. You realize that your shoe is untied, so you reach down and tie it so that it doesn’t get all wet. You continue walking and see your friend up ahead of you. You shout to her to wait. “Hello! Wait for me!” You pick up your pace and begin swinging your arms as you walk. The water is splashing on you now, but you say, “Who cares!” because you love the rain and can’t wait to get to dinner. You look up to the sky and hold out your tongue, trying to catch the large rain drops as they fall from the sky. You finally catch up to your friend right as she enters the doors of the student center. You walk inside, shake off to try to get dry, and then let out a happy sigh because you finally get to go to dinner after a long day of classes!

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