Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I am Very Thirsty

It is the beginning of springtime at Baptist Bible College, and it is so beautiful out! You raise your arms high to the warm sun and say joyously, "Praise God for springtime!" You have just made your way to Buckingham Palace to practice on this fine sunny afternoon. You open the big heavy wooden doors, march up the stairs, and enter through the second set of doors. Just then, you realize that you have left your favorite Nalgene water bottle all the way back at your dorm! Throwing up your hands in exasperation, you cry "Oh No!" Since you are very thirsty today, and since you want to avoid the inconvenience of always having to trek from your practice room to the water fountain, and since it is so lovely out you wouldn't mind the walk anyway, you decide that you simply must rescue the stray water bottle from the loneliness of your dorm room.You turn, bound back through the glass doors, run hastily down the stairs, and head out the back door. You see Mr. McGroove on his way to retrieve coffee from the underground cafe. "ah, hello!" you say, waving at him as you run past. He says, "Where are you running to?" But you don't answer- you are intent on your goal. You are finally able to make it to your dorm and to successfully obtain the much desired Nalgene. On your way back, you are much more distractable. You see a motercycle put-put past you, and you decide to imitate it (lip flutter). As you continue to walk, you see a little squirrel on the sidewalk. You hop along like you see him doing. However, he sees you next to him and he freezes in a stiff position. You imitate this as well. However, as it is creating tension in your neck and shoulders, you decide to instead imitate one of the geese you see flying north overhead. your flap your arms and pretend like you're soaring through the blue skies. Sigh. You have made it back to the land of Buckingham palace by now, and you return through the back door, up the stairs, and through the glass doors. You collapse in a chair and sigh contentedly, knowing that now you have your precious Nalgene by your side while you practice.


melody said...

this makes me relaxed and laugh =)

Kristin said...

I love it!!