Monday, March 26, 2007

A walk in the woods

It's a beautiful, warm day at BBC, so you decide to take a refreshing walk through the woods. You bend over and tie your shoes, and step outside. The air is crisp, a little chillier than you expected so you shiver, and quickly run inside and put on your coat. Again you step foot outside, this time taking a deep breath of the spring (yay!) air. You are now walking through the woods, brushing the branches out of the way of your face with sweeping motions. Suddenly, a fire breathing dragon appears in your path! You yell "O no! A dragon!" You quietly run away from the dragon, who is luckily out of shape and you easily outrun him. You breath a sigh of relief. Finally, you come to a clearing in the woods. You have walked and ran a long way, and are tired, so you stretch and sigh again. In the middle of the clearing is a big tree, a perfect tree to sit in. So you climb the tree, and settle in to read a book for the afternoon.

1 comment:

Doc said...

Way to go Jessica! Using the dragon is imaginative. We don't expect a dragon -- but there he [she] is just like Saphira in Eragon. "Oh no!"